Whāia te iti kahurangi, ki te tuohu koe, me he maunga teitei.
Seek the treasure that you value most dearly, if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain.
Mountains hold within them a strength and power that has captured the hearts of people across time. All over the world mountains are looked upon as sacred beings that offer guidance, hope and strength and are often considered obstacles that challenge us to overcome our fears and fill us with a sense of perseverance and endurance.
If there is a mountain that you wish to carry with you and
wear close to your heart, whether it reminds you of where you're going or where you've been, whether you wish to wear it as a way of showing your solidarity to the whenua where you come from or live, or whether you just appreciate the beauty that blesses upon you get in touch with me and I will create a piece with gold from ethical and sustainable sources, that you can cherish forever.